"Well done good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joys of the lord".

Rest In Peace W. Bro. Dunn.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Why are you a freemason?

This is my project. To get good men in masonry & masonry in good men that wish to be masons. This is how I aim to do this - http://www.freewebs.com/solomonlodge36/petition.htm . By requests for a petition (*or alternatively an online petition).

Yep, that's it. Technology. This is my request for you guys and why I posted it here.

I think that the foundation of this brotherhood is the members who are active in it. I think that people who aren't masons who want to be masons want to know why we are masons (I'm almost sure I could have worded that better). what do we get out of it? so that's my question. here's why i'm asking. I believe testimonials from men who are masons will inspire someone just that much more to want to become a brother. So what do you get out of freemasonry and what have you given back?


*(EDIT: It has been ok'ed by the grand sec'y and my WM. the grand sec'y says GL doesn't have an issue with it and and he suggested the next time the jurisprudence committee gets together they put together some kind of guidance for the blue lodges but says that "we're doing the correct thing in sending a PM or two out to 'pre-interview' a prospective candidate).

Also, for the record here is my testimonial.

"I'm a freemason because it has helped me (through ritual and meeting with my brethren) to better myself spiritually and physically. I've met many a great man either online or off whom I'm very proud to call my brother and have had great experiences I otherwise wouldn't have known about had I not been a mason; such as: fraternal dinners, traveling and visiting other lodges, reading and an overall lifestyle change in that my perspective on life and meaning of life has evolved".

Yours doesn't have to be so lengthy but it can be if you choose. I also want blue lodge info, but that is not required. By the way, I want to post this on our lodge website so keep that in mind. Thank you very much. (EDIT: Posting them, you can see them or make your comments to my questions here.) Thank you again.


J. Mitchell said...
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J. Mitchell said...

I travel East for Illumination and to catch a glimpse of a world of Universal Brotherhood.

I travel East to participate in, and continue a moral endeavor that is ancient and legendary, requiring of me a sacrifice of mythic proportions (resulting in transformation).


Dan said...

I met a man many years ago who was gracious, humble, and admitted to being in awe of the Creator and his world.

This man was is my father-in-law. His example first illuminated me to the teachings of the Fraternity.

I became a Mason to learn more about myself. What I wanted to learn I was unsure of. I do know that Freemasonry has helped me become a better person, husband, and father.

I am a Freemason because I believe that tolerance, grace, morality, and trustworthiness are all values which this world desperately needs and these are what the Fraternity has taught for many, many years.